My name is Brady Messer and I am a software engineer currently employed in the Greenville SC area. I graduated from Clemson University with my Bachelors of Science in Computer Science in May of 2020. My software development career began while I was a student at Clemson when I joined the universities software quality assurance team in January of 2018. In this position I wrote unit tests as well as UI tests to ensure the stability of university developed applications. After one year of being in QA, I joined Clemson's Mobile Development team as an iOS development intern from January 2019 - September 2020. During my time as a mobile developer I worked on the native iOS app rewrite as well as a joint project with the Medical University of South Carolina to create a COVID Tracing app. In addition to these projects, I also continued to write unit tests to assist the QA team, as well as developed a custom CI/CD solution. In September of 2020 I joined Logisticus as a Full Stack web developer where I worked until February of 2021 when I switched companies to iCatalyst.

In addition to my full time work I also have taken on contract work. The main company I have contracted for is Heavy Cream. For them, I have implemented Single Sign on as well as in app chat functionality for a super secret application. Another application I built for them is a mobile wallet pass provisioning system which is used as a rewards system for an apartment complex.

If you would like to get in contact with me, here is my Linkedin